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Be Afraid Of America Because America's Afraid Of You.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


I think what's been bothering me is the myopia of the 20th and 21st centuries. I'm malnourished from my blindness, two metaphors in one.

Whether myopia pertains to distance or to panorama, I've got it. We've got it. (Heck, he she they have it.) We've got it and it's made everything ring so hollow. Everything. We could have been attuning ourselves to heaven all this time and all we've been doing is tidying up the waiting room. We've been trying to improve our lot here, toward it's own end. The humanism of it all, the materialism of it all is so stunted. We've turned antennas into pieces of sculpture. The sculpture is beautiful but it's not transmitting anything.

Music isn't just entertainment, education isn't just job training, human rights and freedom aren't just end unto themselves. You can do something with them. A radio is just a paperweight if it's not transmitting anything. Music is just busywork if it's not receiving and sending out any signal. A radio is still a radio if the power is turned off, yes. But a radio is fulfilling it's essence when it's powered up, receiving and sending something beyond it. The same can be said for everything here.

To extend the metaphor, I think my malaise has come from all the radios we've built that aren't transmitting a signal. Every victory has been hollow. We've built up humanity but towards no end but itself. We've worked for education and freedom and human rights - but then we've stopped there. Metaphorically, we've obsessed over building the best radios we can but without turning the power on, without them transmitting anything.

I think my malnourishment comes from the material humanism of it all. The catholic church is focused on 'gonadal politics,' our form of government has moved away from the social contract and towards a check cashing place for rich people, the universities are now just a glorified Apex Tech. Our universe is geocentric all over again.

It's all so material, as if things can only exist in three dimensions, not the four to seventeen dimensions originally intended for us. Heck, we occupy two dimensions a good 89% of the time. Music is about feeling good, record sales, chasing the blues away. It's like a handi-wipe you take out of a package when you have mexican food on your fingers. The material world is bringing me down.


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