The Hypertonics Complete MP3 Catalog

Be Afraid Of America Because America's Afraid Of You.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Are You The Car Or Are You The Road


are you the car or are you the road?
will you slow down or will you explode?

be smart, be fast, be first and stay uncomfortable
a bubble of nitrogen to keep their stories full.
if you are not the hand, you're just a glove for it
and this would be your ass in someone else's shit.

are you the car or are you the road?
will you slow down or will you explode?

are you building walls on a mother's womb?
and are you a passenger in someone else's tomb?
undermine the clash, question the ramones.
criticize the beatles and deny the stones.

if the pipes are right then your water's new
but if your water's old then the pipes are too.
there is no reward when a man behaves
because lincoln's not the one who freed the slaves.

are you the car or are you the road?
will you slow down or will you explode?


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