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Be Afraid Of America Because America's Afraid Of You.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Stapling Wood With An Airplane

I hate the phrase "the music business." No wonder no one listens to music anymore. If the Artists are providing that kind of shorthand, no wonder nobody trusts them. If someone talks in shorthand and in cliches like "the music business" avoid everything they produce. It gives the same shiver that the name "Bob Guccione" creates. It's a visceral shiver.

Nobody says 'the Spiritual Business.' No one shorthands it with 'the God business' or 'the civil rights business.' Everyone knows that it's crass and everyone knows that bullshit people go into business. They don't care what they're selling and if they can make money of feces, they'd try. So why pool in with them?

Nobody who listens to music thinks about it as a business, why push your toxins their way? Why transmit your poison? No wonder nobody communicates with the listener anymore. They're damaged, and nobody can hear what's being said. Shorthand is a symptom of the ailment and shorthand is also the cause of stomach illness. When I hear abbreviations and in-the-know 'knowwhatimean?' I am immediately wary.

Stop throwing in with the business people. Leave the money on the table. Connect with your listeners again, they miss you. Take the financial loss. Lose earth and gain heaven. Stop doing music for money, that's like eating the Eucharist as an afternoon snack. Stop using money for music it's like riding a sled to open walnuts. Music may get you money but money won't get you music. You're plowing the farmland with a Rubik's cube, no wonder no crops are growing.


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