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Be Afraid Of America Because America's Afraid Of You.

Monday, April 24, 2006


I am always trying to conquer sleep. It seems the default mode in this world is sleep. Even for the brothers who are trying to stay awake it's hard, imagine how hard it is to stay awake for those who aren't trying.

I see the world like you're looking into a microscope. You focus in on a certain plain and you see certain things clearly. You keep dialing in and you see other things that were not there prior. There's different things happening on different plains. Ooh I see a mosquito in the amber. Oppp, now I dial in deeper and I see something else I hadn't seen before. Maybe we're dialed into one plain, let's dial in a little deeper for a while.

You know people are telling you lies, mostly when they show they are lying to you. And what's scary is that one man can lie, and his lie can be anesthesia for an entire world. You CAN fool an entire species. (The following isn't political, it goes deeper than such a framework.) For example, and this is the prime example, George Bush tells us one dictator is an evil despot and must be taken out of power and his country invaded. And we agree. Then he tells us one dictator is worthy of a State welcome, with military honors and billions of US dollars invested into his country and factories. And we agree. One is Iraq, one is China. The point here is that our leader sets forth what is reality and we accept it, even if the two versions of reality are contradictory. When we let a man pick what is reality for us, that's what we get. We have more faith in a man than we do in Truth. That is a source of Sleep and that also produces more Sleep.

I hate that I fall for it. I hate that my reality is not locked in with Reality. I'm trying. By putting a name to the things that make me sleep, maybe I can become just a little more immune to them. I want to become a better listener...

Friday, April 21, 2006

Givens Versus Givens

Keeping in the spirit that no one's gonna read this, I'mma say whatever it is I want to say. Whatever will keep my mind buoyant. This is an affirmation, I affirm that I will keep my head afloat.

1) The biggest problem with communication is the underlying givens that kick in prior to a conversation. Over the past few months the band has done photoshoots, filmed a video, done some interviews. All of them have filled me with anxiety. I abdicate leadership to people who's givens may be different from mine and so the end result isn't what it could be, even though it was. The danger of lesser results was there.

You know what I like? Spending the first 30 minutes of a meeting of the minds laying down the foundations. Mostly I'd like to just go on about my own givens, see where the common ground is. Something like this:

"Given that the Velvet Underground were trying to reach the heavens and under the assumption that The Strokes are just a good time, I now see why people don't like The Strokes. They see what could be."

"I believe in 'A' while you believe the opposite, '-A." Therefore who leads here and who follows?"

"If it is the current government's goal to win the war in Iraq, then they are failing. If their goal is to create havoc so as to reach a larger, unannounced purpose, then they are succeeding and you must judge them in a different light."

A misunderstanding of assumed givens could be problematic. You assume the person you are speaking with shares a common language with you and you filter everything they are saying through that. Here are common assumptions of today:

-Rock'n'roll is fun, recreation, a good time, a chance for bar owners to make money off you.
-Rock'n'roll is past it's prime.
-There are three dimensions.
-Don't be so serious. Music is there to create a party atmosphere.
-There is no more original art, nor will there be anytime soon. Don't try.
-People are not unique and will be judged accordingly.

Those givens are a tough burden to face. In relation to that it's not really worth gettiing up in the morning, except the tread the path already cut by other, older, dustier people. Perhaps that explains the lack of spring in people's steps. I'd feel like crap too if I felt that way.

Well, to help speed along the communication process, these are my givens, this is my preface. Subject to human error of course:

-Truth is absolute. That's why it's called "Truth."
-There is a 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th dimension.
-I believe that new art is possible. "New Art" is inherently redundant. I'm open hearted to the idea that assumptions can be smashed and the cheap suit of assumptions can be unstitched.
-I believe in being difficult, in being intellectually rigorous, in skeptical. Not cynical, but skeptical. In an effort to avoid cliche, codification, and expectations, it's important to be oppositional. Being difficult should be rewarded, not discouraged.

In our current world where everybody is more and more lock-stepped with each other, a strange thing occurs. We're all so up to date on conventional wisdom that when someone comes in with a fresh idea, it sounds REALLY dissonant. There's this word "Noosphere" and it describes human thought as collective and as a sort of environment. But I believe it is a pejorative term, or at least it should be. It leads to cliche and conventional wisdom and what some dude calls "stinkin' thinkin'." I know I suffer from it and I'm doing all I can to get away from it.

So now I've prefaced myself. When you talk to me you now know some of my starting point, some of my foundation. It feels a little like a game of King Of The Jungle and I guess what I'm doing here is making my Givens heard and therefore dominant. Prominent and thereby dominant. It sure beats the opposite where other assumptions may be lesser and take precedence. Maybe that's another Given of mine I'm realizing. I guess I assume other Frameworks to be more limited and finite. I will say that I hope I'm wrong. It's better when I'm wrong...

Cry, Cry, Cry


It's never been so sad or so silent
There's something going on and I can't believe
The quiet and the calm are returning but my lungs are burning
I can't even breathe.
And so I see the pain that is coming
I'm looking through a universal eye
I used to do my best to forget it, now I won't let it
And I just want to cry.

Cry, cry, cry
I think I'm gonna cry, cry, cry
I cannot hold the reins any longer, the rain's getting stronger
Cry, cry, cry, cry, cry.

It started down the road very slowly
The water turned to stone when I did not try
But I won't let another ocean dry out and so I have to cry out
Why, why, why, why, why?
Why, why, why?

If you wanna make money play the people's fears
Take away their hearts, steal their tears
Give them the disease then sell the cure
That's what the pain is for
And that's why my heart's so poor.

Cry, cry, cry
I think I'm gonna cry, cry, cry
It's time to let the storm stop the silence and start up the violence
Cry, cry, cry, cry, cry.

'Cause I don't wanna drown any lower
And I will not pretend that it's time to die
It's gonna rain at once in the end, then rain again
Let the waters cry.

Cry, cry, cry
Cry, cry, cry
You'll never see a man go unspoken once he's been broken
Cry, cry, cry, cry, cry.