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Be Afraid Of America Because America's Afraid Of You.

Monday, October 16, 2006

You Gotta Have Schmaltz!

This is some jibber jabber in defense of Beauty. I don't know where we went wrong (where I went wrong) but Beauty seems really dopey and noise, abrasion and toxins seem a-ok. We equate the venting of toxins as a purging of toxins but somehow they never go away. We're unable to be consoled and the toxins continue unabated.

At some point, the things that disgust you become the things you focus on and then you become them. Democrats fixate on Republicans and pacifists become obsessed with war. If NWA really hated things so much, hated the violence and the gunfire and the poison, wouldn't NWA try to write music that is soothing and pacifying so as to neutralize the violence and the gunfire and the poison? Nope.

I'm here to speak to myself today about Beauty. Love, gentleness, beauty, and all thing related. Harmony instead of shouting. Rainbows instead of black t-shirts, even though they are slimming.

I was listening to music over the weekend that was around when I between the ages of three and seven or so. Back when I felt emotion and I was soft and I wasn't so armored and walled-in and so mean. I wasn't so angry, I was a little cutey-bear. I heard this music and I felt that way
all over again. I like feeling that way. It was a moment in music history and it was a moment in Brian's history and it feels pretty good. It reminded me that you don't have to be such a grump all the time. I didn't used to be a grump. I built these walls around myself to protect my inner soft center and in the process I lost my soft center. F that.

I know it's fun to dwell on the negatives of life but there's other options. I want a Roe v Wade for my good nature. I want to have the choice to be a cute little bear cub. I want to let my inner Polyphonic Spree shine!

What's happened to life? How did we get to a point where everything is so negative and bad is good and sincerity is stupid? I miss sincere art. Schmaltz. Genuine emotion seems so dumb. If it's not ironic than people have no time for it. Good should be good, happy should bring happiness. Is that really beyond our conventional wisdom? Is happiness really so newsworthy?


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